Now everyone can rent Marsteinen Lighthouse

William Bernardsen has taken over the lease with Stiftinga Marstein Lighthouse, which manages the iconic lighthouse. Marsteinen Lighthouse is located on a small islet at the far end of the big sea, at the entrance to the Korsfjorden. The area is very weather-prone and good weather conditions are required to be able to disembark on the island. Even on quiet days there is often a weak sea which makes adding to the dock on the east side challenging.
The lighthouse was automated in 1987, and has stood unmanned since 2002. In 2005 it was bought by the municipality of Austevoll, and the Stiftinga Marstein Lighthouse has since been in charge of the quay area and buildings.
The tour box at Marsteinen is also one of 16 geocaches that BOF (Bergen and Omland Friluftsråd) has placed in its member municipalities.
For those who want a unique overnight experience, wedding or team building, it is possible to rent the lighthouse.